We are just a family caring for our animals and our land. Here, everyday is a celebration of nature's abundance and the simple joys of animal husbandry.
About the Farm
As stewards of this land, we embrace a holistic approach to farming, where every decision reflects the interconnectedness of our animals and the earth. Our journey toward regenerative practices is fueled not just by our love for animlas but also our commitment to nurturing and restoring natural biodiversity. Our farm hums with life, an every-evolving tapestry of colors, sounds and scents - the very embodiment of nature's intricate design.
Join us in celebrating the art of happy, healthy, free-range living, where every herd and flock dances joyfully under the sky, harmonizing with their surroundings and demonstrating the beauty of reenerative farming - all while fostering a deeper understanding of our place within this precious ecosystem. Here, on our hobby farm, we cultivate a legacy rooted in love, respect and harmony with all living beings.

Our Cows
Our cows graze contentedly in the sun-drenched paddocks, their coats glistening in the afternoon light. We prioritize their well-being by allowing them to raom and munch on a diverse array of grasses and native herbs. This natural diet not only keeps them healthy and happy but also enriches the soil, thanks to their nutrient-rich manure, which benefits future pasture growth.

Our Goats
We raise Nigerian Dwarf goats, with their playful nature and curious spirits. Their keen nibbling habits help control overgrowth, maintaining balance within he ecosystem while simultaneously encouraging the growth of medicinal herbs that dance below their playful hooves. We've experiemented with herbal remedies to nurture our animals, ensuring they thrive without relying heavily on modern medications. With each discovery of new herbal treatments, we cultivate a deeper connection to traditional practices and nature's pharmacy.

Our Pigs
Meanwhile, the pigs dig and root their way through the rich earth, fostering a natural symbiosis as they aerate the soil and create enriched humus, setting the stage for a flourishing local flora.

Our Chickens, Turkeys and Ducks
The pigs share the delight of outdoor living with our chickens, who provide a gentle clucking soundtract to our farm. The hens cheer bodaciously, producing fertile eggs in returns for their bountiful access to pasture, grains and the myraid insects they scratch for in the dirt.

Our Cats
Even our cats play a piviotal role - patrolling the farmhouse and barn with the grace of silent sentinels, they keep pests at bay, integrating with this thriving ecosystem and reminding us that every creature, no matter how small, contributes to the health and happiness of the farm.

We are committed to delivering premium quality organic (uncertified) fed, free-range, and GMO-free products. Our focus on ethical and sustainable farming sets us apart from others. We believe in transparency and integrity, ensuring that our customers receive the best products straight from our pasture paddocks.